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Harry Potter: 10 Weasley Family Moments Left Out Of The Movies

Most of the time, there's just too much content in books to be included in their film adaptations. That's the beauty of books. Every page is filled with action of some kind, and plenty of content for the imagination. The Harry Potter series is no exception. Among the many small scenes that weren't included in the films, and that weren't exactly necessary to the complex and already detailed plot, were Weasley family moments.

RELATED: 10 Scenes In Harry Potter Books That Were Too Dark For The Movies

Although the films included as many scenes as they could while staying on task to the plot, there are just too many Weasley gems people who haven't read the books wouldn't know about.

10 Charlie Weasley

So basically, this is more like existence rather than a moment. Charlie Weasley is barely mentioned in the films, but he makes an impression on Harry in the books. In Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone Charlie helps Hagrid, Harry, Ron, and Hermione break some wizarding laws and school rules to rescue Norbert.

Bill and Charlie were shown to get into some mischief together, including smashing battered tables together in the air with magic, and he also explains the First Triwizard Challenge to Hagrid during Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire.  Charlie Weasley is also the one to tell Harry who Mad-Eye Moody is.

9 Harry Giving Fred & George His Triwizard Winnings

After the traumatic ending to The Triwizard Tournament, Harry didn't want his winnings. He was disgusted by the money. He felt guilty for Cedric's death and the money only served as a reminder of what had happened in the graveyard. Harry tried to give Cedric's parents the money, but they didn't want it. So he offered it to Fred and George.

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"If you don't take it, I'm throwing it down the drain. I don't want it and I don't need it. But I could do with a few laughs. We could all do with a few laughs. I've got a feeling we're going to need them more than usual before long." He also asked them to buy Ron some dress robes and say it was from them.

8 Visiting Arthur Weasley In Hospital

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix doesn't show Arthur Weasley's recovery. He goes from being attacked to sitting in a chair with his family at Christmas. In the book, the family and Order members visit Arthur at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

The readers learned about the venom from the snake preventing Arthur's wounds from healing and how Arthur knew what he was getting into. It's in this same hospital where Harry discovers that Neville's parents are alive, but were tortured into insanity and seem not to recognize their own son. Gilderoy Lockhart is also there, still suffering from amnesia.

7 Percy's Visits and Arguments

In the books, Percy and his father had a nasty argument surrounding the subject of Percy's promotion in the Ministry. Percy blamed his father for making it difficult to advance with a Weasley reputation and their poor living foundation, and he left. He still had to work in close proximity to his father, but he disregarded him completely and went against everything the Weasley family stood for.

He only attended Christmas at The Burrow during Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince because of the new Minister Rufus Scrimgeour. "But Percy showed no sign of wanting to greet any of the rest of the family. He stood, poker-straight and awkward-looking, and stared over everybody else's heads. Mr. Weasley, Fred, and George were all observing him, stony-faced."

6 Ron Becoming A Prefect

In the Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix, Ron becoming a Prefect was a big deal. He asked his mother for a new broom after she says he can choose a reward. Hermione also received a letter from Hogwarts with the news that she too was a Prefect.

When Molly says that everyone in the family has become Prefect, George says "What are Fred and I? Next door neighbors?” That evening Mrs. Weasley throws a party to celebrate and plenty of people show up. Sirius tells Harry that neither he nor James became Prefects and that Lupin was the Marauder who did.

5 Molly Weasley Seeing A Boggart

In the Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix, Grimmauld Place is just as its name suggests, a grim old place. The Weasley family and others help to clean the place out, finding all sorts of unknown substances, filth, and artifacts. Moody confirmed the presence of a Boggart, and Molly decided to get rid of it herself before going to bed. "Crack. Dead twins. Crack. Dead Percy. Crack. Dead Harry..." She saw everyone she loved dead, and even in her worst nightmares, she had not imagined Fred and George apart.

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It's a scene that shows just how dearly she loves Harry and how frightened she is for her family. Molly Weasley is also the only one who was able to comfort Harry after the events of The Triwizard Tournament. She told him it wasn't his fault, and held him in her arms. "He had no memory of ever being hugged like this, as though by a mother."

4 Christmas At The Burrow With Fleur

During Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, The Burrow was filled to the brim with family and friends. "Fred, George, I'm sorry, dears, but Remus is arriving tonight, so Bill will have to squeeze in with you two... Then, as Charlie isn't coming home, that just leaves Harry and Ron in the attic, and if Fleur shares with Ginny... everyone should be comfortable. Well, they'll have a bed, anyway."

Fleur is spending time with the Weasleys, as she is engaged to Bill and wants to get to know his family. Mrs. Weasley dislikes Fleur and tries to set Bill up with Tonks to break up their engagement. Fleur is also given the name 'Phlegm' when she's not around.

3 Picking Harry Up For The Quidditch World Cup

Everyone knows Harry, Hermione, the Weasleys and the Diggorys went to The Quidditch World Cup together. But the films gloss over how Harry actually managed to leave the Dursleys. It's a chapter involving Floo Powder, Fred and George pranking Dudley, and Arthur Weasley standing up for Harry.

It also shows Ron and Harry's letter correspondence. "If they say no, send Pig back pronto and we'll come and get you at five o'clock on Sunday anyway."

2 Fred Reuniting With Percy Before He Dies

In the books, Percy is present at the moment of Fred's death. He made a joke in battle as he reunited with his family.

He sent a jinx to the Minister and said “Did I mention I’m resigning?" Fred was shocked at the fact that his brother had actually said a joke. “You actually are joking, Perce…I don’t think I’ve heard you joke since you were –“ And he died, just like that, in mid-sentence, as the air exploded and everyone was separated. "And Percy was shaking his brother, and Ron was kneeling beside them, and Fred’s eyes stared without seeing, the ghost of his last laugh still etched upon his face."

1 Playing Quidditch Near The Burrow

In the books the Weasleys own a small paddock surrounded by trees where they could practice Quidditch. The Weasley brothers mention that they didn't let Ginny play with them and don't know how she became so good.

Hermione corrected them by saying, “She’s been breaking into your broom shed in the garden since the age of six and taking each of your brooms out in turn when you weren’t looking.” The films also didn't do justice to Ginny's close relationship with the twins.

NEXT: Harry Potter: 10 Scenes In The Movies That Weren't In The Books

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Harry Potter: 10 Weasley Family Moments Left Out Of The Movies Harry Potter: 10 Weasley Family Moments Left Out Of The Movies Reviewed by Riyad on October 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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