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Friends: The 10 Best Storylines, Ranked | ScreenRant

There are few if any, sitcoms or single-camera comedies in the world that have reached the level of phenomena that Friends has achieved over the past 25 years, becoming one of the most wildly popular and rewatched shows in history. With a loyal fanbase, the show is and will continue to be adored for years to come, with its easy-to-watch style, fantastic characters, and overall quality.

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While the show has definite low points, its highs are excellent, and there is a slew of storylines that stick out as just unbelievably well-done pieces of sitcom television, whether they be one episode arcs or those that stretch over multiple seasons.

10 Phoebe & Mike

Friends is a show chock full of romances, long-term relationships, and one-off flings, some of which are loved by fans, and others that are better left not mentioned. Luckily for Phoebe, her relationship with Mike Hannigan falls into the former category.

In large part to just how well Paul Rudd fit in the show at the time, their whole story is great. Everything from Joey randomly setting them up to their gorgeous, makeshift wedding seemed to work, and it was fantastic to see Phoebe get a happy ending like she did - especially considering that she very well could have gotten pushed to the side at the end, similar to Joey.

9 Rachel & Chandler's Character Growth

This is not a singular storyline per se, but it definitely deserves a mention here, as both Chandler and Rachel have unquestionably the best individual character development throughout the series. In terms of storylines that showcase this, look no further than Rachel's career trajectory, going from a spoiled, clueless, immature woman lost in a big city, saved by her friends, to a smart, strong, independent, and successful figure in the fashion world.

As for Chandler, his growth can be summed up by his relationships and how he approaches life, starting as incredibly insecure, immature, and scared and growing into someone strong, sure of himself, and willing to grow in life without fear of commitment, while still retaining his electric personality.

8 Ross & Rachel's Pregnancy

Ross and Rachel may well be the most iconic thing to come out of Friends, but that does not mean their journey was always the best to follow. Like the relationship itself, the quality of their story had some serious ups and downs.

One of their better stories together is Rachel's shock pregnancy. The tease at Monica and Chandler's wedding is great and exciting, the entire mystery of who the father is pays off tremendously, and the journey of growth right up to Emma's birth is great to watch.

7 Pick A Thanksgiving

Nearly every season of Friends has a Thanksgiving episode, and they are more often than not fantastic and some of the series' best, in fact, making it difficult to choose just one with a superior storyline. Joey and Chandler's emotional journey with Chandler in a box culminates at Thanksgiving and is emotional and great to watch, especially with the other love stories unfolding. Brad Pitt's guest appearance as Will in "The One With The Rumor" is incredible, helping make the episode such high quality.

RELATED: Friends: Each Main Characters First & Last Line In The Series

Then there is, of course, Rachel's messed-up trifle that goes hand-in-hand with Chandler seeking Monica's parent's approval and the story of Ross getting high. Another top contender is "The One With All The Thanksgivings," where we go back in time to various thanksgiving stories, highlighted by people with turkeys on their heads.

6 Nobody Is Ready

One of the very best storylines contained in a singular episode comes in "The One Where No One's Ready," where Ross rushes everybody to get ready for a black-tie event at his museum, a simple premise with hilarious results.

There is Monica's paranoia about Richard's voice message, Phoebe's dress disaster, Ross' outburst at Rachel, and, of course, the battle of the couch between Joey and Chandler that resulted in one of the most hilarious and iconic images in all of Friends: Joey wearing Chandler's clothes.

5 The Bet

Sticking with the one episode storylines, look no further than "The One With The Embryos," which has one of the very best storylines of the show, resulting in one of the standout episodes.

The apartment bet is great not only because it is absolutely hilarious, but because it actually gets you invested in it and, on top of that, upon rewatch, it retains its hilarity. The result of the quiz is great, and it was good that Chandler and Joey got their shot in the big apartment.

4 Monica & Chandler's Next Steps

Earlier on, Chandler's romantic growth got talked about as he went from someone who was emotionally crippled and scared of commitment to a man completely in love and in a mature, lifelong relationship.

After Monica and Chandler come out to the group, they are finally a real, public couple, and they eventually take their next steps. Moving in together resulted in an emotional and funny episode, their wedding was incredible, and, of course, their entire journey of adoption was both heartbreaking and beautiful. It also helped wrap up the show, as the couple moves onto their new home and out of the iconic apartment.

3 Rachel Is Ross' Lobster

While there is no real debate as to who has the best, strongest, and most mature relationship in the show - Monica and Chandler - the most famous couple of the show, and perhaps in all of sitcom history, is Ross and Rachel.

RELATED: Friends: 5 Reasons Why Ross & Rachel Are The Best Characters (& 5 Why Its Monica & Chandler)

There is a lot of back and forth in the early seasons, with Ross hurting Rachel quite a bit, but the lobster storyline is brilliant. Everything from Phoebe's involvement with the quirky yet sensical lobster analogy to the prom video is touching and hilarious, with the kiss between the two a moment of pure joy for the characters and fans alike.

2 Phoebe's Surrogacy

Despite being a light-hearted, easily digestible show, Friends does not shy away from heavier topics, particularly as it pertains to children and romance, and alongside Monica and Chandler's adoption journey, Phoebe's surrogacy is the epitome of that.

Phoebe agreeing to be the surrogate for Alice and Frank Jr. is such a beautiful and strong act, but despite all of the quirkiness and humor that comes out of the situation, the finale of the story, with Phoebe saying goodbye to the triplets, is one of the most emotional moments in the show's history.

1 Monica & Chandler On The Down Low

It is definitely challenging to choose one storyline that stands above the rest across 10 seasons of this cherished show, but a safe choice that few will argue with is Monica and Chandler's early romance.

Kicking off with a night in London and morphing into something more than they could have imagined, the entire story of the two being together on the down-low is excellent. The inclusion of Joey's knowledge, and then eventually Rachel and Phoebe's, makes it all the much better before its culmination in "The One Where Everybody Finds Out," where Chandler and Monica profess their love for one another. Beautiful stuff.

NEXT: Friends: The One With The Best Episode From Each Season (According To IMDb)

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Friends: The 10 Best Storylines, Ranked | ScreenRant Friends: The 10 Best Storylines, Ranked | ScreenRant Reviewed by Riyad on January 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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