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The Myers-Briggs® Types Of Babylon 5 Characters | ScreenRant

When Babylon 5 premiered in 1993, viewers weren't aware of the enormous following it would gain over the next few years. At the start, the show featured single episodes about the crew and residents of the five-mile-long space station. As the show progressed, creator J. Michael Straczynski weaved those stories into an epic that ran several seasons and included wars against alien invaders and the government of Earth.

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The cast of the series was a diverse mix of humans and aliens. The characteristics of each were fleshed out over the years. Yet, where did these people fall on the Myers-Briggs® personality scale? Fans need to know.

10 Jeffrey Sinclair - ENTJ (The Commander)

The reason the first captain of Babylon 5 didn't know his destiny at first. He was simply the commander of a space station that was supposed to be a gateway of peace for the galaxy. It wasn't until later in the show that he understood who he was.

As an ENTJ, Sinclair was an extroverted leader. Considering his job was to maintain peace on the station, he couldn't spend every moment in his office. Rather, he thought on his feet and made what he believed were the right decisions. Through all of this, his intuition, the N of the characteristic, kept whispering that there was more to his life than what he was doing.

9 John Sheridan - ISFJ (The Protector)

Viewers knew Captain John Sheridan was going to become something greater when he replaced Sinclair as Babylon 5 commander. He displayed Protector tendencies right from the start. Though someone who did his best thinking away from others, he was sensitive to the daily goings-on of his station. This empathic ability went beyond its limits as events began to get out of control.

This empathy gave him a stronger sense of caring, particularly as he and the Minbari ambassador, Delenn, grew closer. It also led him to confront situations head-on. For example when he berated Vorlon ambassador Kosh for not helping them fight the Shadows.

8 Susan Ivanova - ESTJ (The Director)

Where her commanding officers were touchy-feely types, Commander Susan Ivanova was nothing of the sort. As an ESTJ, her job was to make sure things ran smoothly across the station. With her red hair and no-nonsense attitude, Ivanova was incredibly similar to Major Kira of Deep Space Nine.

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To those who weren't close to her, Ivanova could seem standoffish. People really needed to get to know her to see how sensitive she was. There were only a few times where she wore her emotions on her sleeve. In particular, when she discovered that Ranger Marcus Cole gave his life to save hers.

7 Michael Garibaldi - ISTJ (The Inspector)

Michael liked nothing more than to spend quiet time in his quarters. However, when he was on duty, he made sure his security team was on-point for any adverse situations. Though he always planned for a dreaded Scenario Z, Garibaldi kept his mind on the present situation.

However, because he is an ISTJ Type, he could be judgemental at times. He wasn't too keen about Sheridan replacing Sinclair. Also, under the hypnotic influence of the Psi-Corps officer Bester, he tended to blame current situations on Sheridan and his grandiose beliefs. Whether or not that was from his subconscious remains to be seen.

6 Stephen Franklin - ESFJ (The Caregiver)

As the space station's chief medical officer, Dr. Franklin was in charge of treating humans and aliens. Thus, he needed to be ready to speak with them, if possible, to determine their ailments. Though he displayed introverted tendencies at times, he was an extrovert when it came to his bedside manner.

As a doctor, his natural ESFJ tendencies came out. He felt the pain of the people he treated and was sensitive to their traits and traditions. He could be judgemental but only to those he connected with. The times where he told someone off were rare.

5 Lyta Alexander - ENFJ (The Giver)

Lyta Alexander was not your typical Psi-Corps member. First, she despised Bester and tried to go against him whenever possible. Second, she had a Giver type of characteristic. In other words, she used her psychic powers to help others.

For instance, she gave herself to the Vorlons, who increased her abilities ten-fold. Additionally, she became an important player in the defeat of the Shadows and the destruction of their planet. She wasn't in it for herself. Lyta always gave for the good.

4 Delenn - INFJ (The Advocate)

Ambassador Delenn could certainly be designated as a Mediator type -- an INFP. However, she didn't always fit in that role. Especially after Sheridan came to the station and had to start dealing with the Shadow threat. From that point on, she took on the role of an INFJ -- the Advocate.

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She was the one that encouraged her government to provide a White Star ship to the station. She encouraged Sheridan to take the lead against the Shadows and the encroaching danger from EarthGov. She advocated for the creation of an alien-based federation that Sheridan would lead. Without Delenn, events would have turned out considerably different.

3 Londo Mollari - ESFP (The Performer)

ESFPs aren't like the Zodiac's Leo. They don't crave the spotlight, though they're okay with it. Rather, Londo's Performer characterization means he lives in the moment.

Actually, the Centauri ambassador is the epitome of an ESFP. On the one hand, he's optimistic and enjoys socializing with others. On the other hand, he gets bored easily and isn't into abstract theories. If he can't see the outcome, Mollari doesn't want to make it happen.

2 G'Kar -- INTP (The Thinker)

Narn aren't a war-faring species. They are closer to the Minbari when it comes to the exploration of philosophies. Hence, the reason why Ambassador G'Kar is an INTP type when it comes to characteristics.

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He's an introverted individual who likes to ponder the greater meanings of life. Though prone to self-doubt at times, G'Kar is also incredibly confident. His characteristics of the Thinker allowed him to withstand torture by the Centauri.

1 Alfred Bester - INTJ (The Architect)

Bester is the poster Psi-Corps officer for the Architect. No matter the situation, he expresses self-confidence in himself and what he's manipulating so it all comes out okay. Everything he does is with high expectations of success.

He also has some of the downsides of the INTJ type. Mainly, he doesn't like to talk about or show his emotions. On top of that, he can be callous or insensitive at times. This was seen several times throughout his run on the show.

NEXT: Star Trek: The Myers-Briggs® Personalities Of Captain Kirk & The Original Enterprise Crew

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The Myers-Briggs® Types Of Babylon 5 Characters | ScreenRant The Myers-Briggs® Types Of Babylon 5 Characters | ScreenRant Reviewed by Riyad on January 08, 2021 Rating: 5

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