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The 10 Strangest Friendships In The DCEU | ScreenRant

It might seem that way, at first, but the DCEU isn't focused only on action and epic fight scenes between the heroes and their enemies. It gives a lot of space to build relationships between the characters, as well - from family bonds to romantic relationships and friendships, as well. Some of the relationships manage to fall into more than one category - such as the flirtatious friendship between Batman and Wonder Woman.

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However, while some DCEU friendships come across as natural and understandable, this isn't the case with others, either because they haven't gotten that much space or because the characters are simply too different. Some fans might still cheer them on, but not all friendships in the DCEU make as much sense as the audience would have liked.

10 Batman & James Gordon

This friendship works far better in the comics. While it's difficult to call them traditional friends, Batman and Commissioner Gordon are close allies who support each other in their line of work.

Gordon could easily be pursuing Batman and try to arrest him, but instead, he respects the Dark Knight and lets him do what he's doing. This feeling of respect is mutual. Unfortunately, the DCEU gave barely any space to Gordon, so the friendship and alliance between him and Batman are lacking in this version.

9 Diana Prince & Barbara Ann Minerva

Once again, this friendship works much better in the comics since it got more space to grow and evolve. In the films, Diana and Barbara become friends after spending only a short time together. They also didn't share that much about their lives with each other.

That makes sense in Diana's case, considering who he is and her tumultuous past. Still, it's not the best way to strike a friendship with someone. In the end, it seems more that Barbara likes what Diana represents - a strong beautiful woman - than the actual Diana.

8 Harley Quinn & Cassandra Cain

Harley and the much younger Cassandra had some of the best scenes together in Birds of Prey (2020). However, considering how distrustful Cassandra is and how Harley doesn't think or act like most people, it's a small miracle they made it work and were able to work side by side.

Maybe the future films will explore their friendship in further detail and show how it came that Cassandra trusts Harley, even though Harley originally sought her out for her own purpose.

7 Harley Quinn & Dinah Lance

Speaking of Harley, there's also her somewhat rushed friendship with Dinah Lance aka the Black Canary. When they meet, Dinah seems less than enamored with Harley, especially when Harley gets drunk and attempts to converse with Dinah.

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Things start to change when Dinah saves drunk Harley from her would-be-kidnapper, but even then, Dinah and Harley spend even less time together than Harley with Cassandra. It's somewhat clear where their friendship is coming from, but ideally, the film would have taken more space to give it a stronger foundation.

6 Batman & Superman

They're the most iconic friendship in the comics, as well as some animated films and TV shows. However, the DCEU portrays their friendship in a strange way. For one, Batman lets himself be manipulated by Lex Luthor ridiculously easy, considering how distrustful and cunning he usually is.

On the other hand, Batman doesn't show such aversion to Wonder Woman, even though she's also a mostly unknown-powered individual. And when Superman comes back to life, neither he nor Batman takes the time to address what happened between them to clear things up. Batman's just happy that Superman's back and that's where it ends.

5 Cyborg & The Flash

Cyborg had the bad fortune of having very limited space in Justice League (2017) - at least until the Snyder Cut came along and gave him some extra scenes. However, the original version of the film simply put the Flash and Cyborg together without taking the time to properly build their friendship.

It almost looked like the creators thought it would be enough that both superheroes are of a similar age. It's true that a shared fight has the power to bring people together fast, but even then, it's difficult to overlook that personality-wise, Barry and Victor don't have that much in common.

4 Shazam & Freddy

Unlike some other friendships on this list, this one actually got a proper build-up. Freddy and Billy became foster brothers and later friends when Billy joined the family. The friendship between Freddy and Shazam isn't in itself strange, it would only be strange in other people's eyes. Basically, Shazam is an adult superhero who's hanging out with a kid.

RELATED: DC: 10 Strangest Friendships In Superman Comics

Of course, the audience knows that Freddy and Billy are both young boys and that Freddy is helping Billy get a grip on his powers, but that's not what the people who don't know Billy would see. And a friendship between an adult man and a kid could raise a few eyebrows, for example, because it's putting Freddy in danger of becoming collateral damage.

3 Huntress & The Remaining Birds Of Prey

In many ways, Huntress is similar to Batman. With a traumatic past, she walks the line between being a hero and a villain - or at least that's how others see her. But the one difference is that Huntress does like to fly solo for most of the time - unless she has no other choice.

So it's difficult to imagine that she would stay with the Birds of Prey willingly, even after defeating the Black Mask, let alone form a deeper friendship with them.

2 Batman & Robin

Talk about a wasted opportunity. Batman and Robin have a strong friendship in the comics, even though they don't always agree with each other.

However, instead of working with the character of Dick Grayson and showing his friendship with Bruce, the DCEU chose to kill Robin off - and do it onscreen. Plus, Batman doesn't even mention him, which makes no sense considering how close he and Dick were.

1 Diana Prince & Etta Candy

Another friendship that didn't get its due was the one between Etta and Diana. Strangely enough, after their initial introduction and a few funny lines, the creators chose not to further include Etta in Diana's adventures in the land of men.

She only briefly appeared in the film's finale, where she remembered Steve alongside Diana. And by the time the sequel Wonder Woman 1984 (2021) rolled around, Etta had already died.

NEXT: The 10 Strangest Friendships In The Arrowverse

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The 10 Strangest Friendships In The DCEU | ScreenRant The 10 Strangest Friendships In The DCEU | ScreenRant Reviewed by Riyad on May 11, 2021 Rating: 5

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