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Wizard Of Oz: Main Characters Ranked, By Likability | ScreenRant

The Wizard Of Oz is one of the most iconic movies of all time and one that is truly beloved, having been passed down from generation to generation. Originally released in 1939, this classic has some of the greatest musical numbers in movie history, with some clear and defined characters, all of who have their own personalities.

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The characteristics and traits of each character are heavily pushed within this movie as the defining features of them all. While they're very over the top with them, it does lead to them being easy to relate with, as audiences can quickly determine whether they're likable or not.

Updated on June 4th, 2021 by Kristen Palamara: There are magical, lovable, and hated Wizard of Oz characters and it's pretty easy to know which characters the audience should love and which ones to hate as there's a clear divide between good and evil for the most part. Heroine Dorothy is a beloved character while the Wizard of Oz himself is a difficult character to love between all the characters in The Wizard of Oz. Although there are arguably 10 main characters in The Wizard of Oz, there have been a few more added even though they don't appear as often in the movie as others.

13 Professor Marvel

Frank Morgan has multiple roles in The Wizard of Oz from Professor Marvel at the beginning to the Wizard of Oz at the end and each of his characters has a different level of likability.

Professor Marvel is a seedy character and Dorothy isn't sure what to make of him when she runs into him while running away from her aunt and uncle. Professor Marvel tries to convince Dorothy that her Auntie Em is sick in an admittedly creepy way, using a magic crystal ball, and it prompts Dorothy to run away from him and back home.

12 Emerald City Guard

Frank Morgan also portrays the odd guard to Emerald City that stands between Dorothy and her companions meeting with the Wizard of Oz.

The guard opens his little window and immediately dismisses the travelers. Dorothy pleads with him but the guard won't budge. It's a frustrating scene for anyone who's interacted with someone who won't bend the rules just a little bit even in a serious situation. Eventually, the guard does listen to Dorothy and let in the group, but it hilariously takes a few minutes for him to yield.

11 Aunt Em And Uncle Henry

Dorothy's Aunt and Uncle do care about her, but their priorities are mostly focused on upkeep with the farm rather than their relationship with Dorothy.

Dorothy loves them and cares deeply for them which is evident when she returns home after running away because she's told that Auntie Em is sick, but it's difficult to have a deep connection or strong feelings of love or hate for either of the characters.

10 Wicked Witch Of The West

Quite obviously, the Wicked Witch Of The West is the least likable character within this movie, as one of the most iconic movie villains of all time. She's pure evil and has no likable traits at all as she spends her time desperately trying to ruin Dorothy's life to get the ruby slippers.

She's incredibly cruel and her wicked cackle is something that haunted younger viewers watching the movie. While she's ultimately looking to avenge her sister, the way she goes about it is all wrong, which makes her an unlikable character.

9 Flying Monkeys

The Flying Monkeys don't really display any individual personalities, but they work as the henchman as sorts for the Wicked Witch Of The West. Happy to follow along with her commands, these monkeys do nothing but torment and cause misery everywhere they go.

This leads to them being very easy to dislike, as there's no real reason to like these characters at all. While they're only following on from the orders that they're given, the monkeys clearly have no regard for others, which makes them easy to hate.

8 Wizard Of Oz

The actual Wizard Of Oz himself is someone who is both likable and easy to hate as well. Despite how he portrays himself when Dorothy and her friends first meet him, everyone has high expectations of him being a really powerful and impressive character with an array of magical abilities.

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However, in reality, he is a showman who is actually conning them and lying. Thankfully, he does prove himself to be a good person in the end. Despite not having the magical powers everyone hopes he will, he does help Dorothy and her friends in what they're all personally hoping to achieve from the visit.

7 The Munchkins

When Dorothy first drops into the Land of Oz, it is the Munchkins who are out to greet her first, showcasing their positive and friendly attitudes, which make them such fun and popular characters. They don't get highlighted enough to ever become the most likable characters in the movie, but they're certainly iconic and leave their mark.

Their group song, instructing Dorothy of what to do (follow the yellow brick road), is one of the most well-known musical songs of all time, and that all helps to contribute to making them really popular and likable characters.

6 The Cowardly Lion

The Cowardly Lion is the third and final friend that Dorothy picks up on the yellow brick road, and he certainly has his likable moments. Of course, as his name suggests, he is a very cowardly character and someone who is quite afraid of most things, which means he's not always as up front about helping Dorothy as The Tin Man and Scarecrow.

He obviously cares a lot about trying to improve on that though, and he does actively try, which makes him likable. However, there are certain points where he can be quite annoying with his over-the-top crying and whining, but overall, he's a fun character.

5 Glinda The Good Witch

As her name suggests, Glinda is one of the nicest characters within The Wizard Of Oz, as someone who is happy to help Dorothy in the bid against evil. While she's not as involved in the movie as some of the other characters when Glinda pops up, she brings a real warmth and kindness with her.

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She's there to help people and give everyone the boost of confidence that they need at various points throughout the movie. Glinda clearly finds herself with a connection to Dorothy, and that goes throughout the movie, and because she is just such a nice person, she becomes very easy to like.

4 Toto

Toto might only be a dog, however, Toto is certainly one of the most likable and fun characters within this movie. He's the perfect pet and a prime example of the saying, "A dog is a man's best friend."

Toto is always around for Dorothy, by her side helping out where possible, and he's certainly not short on personality. He might not be able to talk and engage like the other characters, but Toto's energy bursts through the screen to make him one of the best characters.

3 The Tin Man

The Tin Man is the second of the trio of characters that Dorothy meets along the yellow brick road, and he's certainly a fun addition to the journey throughout the movie. For him, he is looking to gain a heart in order to feel things more, and he certainly does appreciate Dorothy coming along and bringing him on the journey.

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The Tin Man is a great part of the story and he is someone who adds a lot of energy to the story, particularly with his dance, which is a hilarious moment within the movie. He's someone Dorothy leans upon throughout their journey, and his reliability makes him a great character.

2 Scarecrow

Out of all of the characters that Dorothy encounters along her journey through the Land of Oz, the Scarecrow is certainly the nicest and most likable of the bunch. He is the first friend that Dorothy meets, and he is someone who wants to find a brain, in order to be a little smarter.

He shows an incredible amount of heart, courage, and bravery throughout the journey, and he is also one of the funniest characters within the movie too. While he is a little bit clumsy, that only adds to his charm, which makes him such a great character.

1 Dorothy Gale

Ultimately, it is Dorothy herself who comes across as the most likable character within this classic story. It's her adventure and everything that happens is shown through her perspective, therefore she must be a likable character, or viewers simply wouldn't be interested in the movie.

She's got a lot of heart and is very helpful to the friends that she encounters along the way, trying to bring the best out of them as she goes. While she does have moments of being down, that only makes her more relatable, and there's no doubt that for the majority of the time she's positive, with July Garland bringing an unforgettable performance to this role. 

NEXT: 10 Things From The Wizard Of Oz That Wouldn't Fly Today

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Wizard Of Oz: Main Characters Ranked, By Likability | ScreenRant Wizard Of Oz: Main Characters Ranked, By Likability | ScreenRant Reviewed by Riyad on June 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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