The DC Animated Universe has become one of the most influential pieces of DC media ever made. From performances such as Kevin Conroy as Batman to now-famous shows such as Justice League, the DCAU has made a huge impact, inspiring live-action films, TV shows, and even video games.
It's not just the heroes that made a big splash either as the villains were sometimes as beloved, with the DCAU portrayals becoming the standard in comics and film. The question is, who are the best DCAU villains? With several shows and movies in the DCAU, there are a lot of villains to choose from.
10 Blight

The DCAU made a lot of big changes from the comics and one of them was the creation of the cyberpunk show Batman Beyond. Imagine an even more corrupt and twisted version of Lex Luthor and you get Derek Powers who is the CEO of Powers Tech but also the man who arranged the death of Terry McGinnis' father. This led to Terry becoming Batman to get revenge but also transform him into a living radiation generator.
Unlike Lex Luthor who has some sense of honor and respect, Blight is an unapologetically evil businessman. Even when he was exposed for being corrupt and a metahuman, he only cared about his power and even used his new abilities to go after those that exposed him. Even when Terry tells Blight that he killed his father, he mocked him by saying that does not narrow things down in the least.
9 Brainiac

In a twist from the comics, Brainiac is not an alien from the planet Colu but instead an artificial intelligence from the planet Krypton. He believed that Krypton itself and its people could not be saved but their knowledge and history could; so in the first episode of Superman: The Animated Series, he escaped Krypton and let it die.
Across Superman: The Animated Series to Justice League Unlimited, Brainiac is a recurring threat trying to collect worlds and their knowledge. He retains the emotionless and cold-hearted nature of Brainiac of the comics but his AI nature allowed him to be even more dangerous, especially when he fused with Lex Luthor to fight the Justice League.
8 Two-Face

Before he was even a villain, Harvey Dent was a recurring character for multiple episodes of Batman: The Animated Series. This allowed audiences to get attached to him before his grisly fate in the Two-Face two-part episode, showing him go from beloved district attorney to Two-Face, a rival of Batman.
He's shown to be very similar to Bruce Wayne: a split-personality, a want for justice, a child of Gotham, and even a similar build to Bruce. Where Bruce fights every day to keep his morals and fight for good, Harvey's psyche was shattered and went in the opposite direction, becoming a dark but tragic crimelord of Gotham City, the very thing he had fought for years.
7 Mr. Freeze

Mr. Freeze was completely revamped for Batman: The Animated Series. The story of genius scientist Victor Fries trying to save his ill wife but ending up becoming affected by his own formula forcing him to live in a sub-zero temperature at all times has become the definitive story for the character.
Mr. Freeze has become one of many tragic villains in comics as all he seeks is to cure his wife so she can be freed from cryosleep. Sadly, he's willing to go to any lengths to cure her which often leads to him battling the Bat-Family. His story concludes in Batman Beyond and like always with him, it's dark and cold.
6 Harley Quinn

Debuting as a loyal henchwoman for the Joker in the Batman-lite episode Joker's Favor, Harley Quinn would evolve to become a beloved fan-favorite character. She would make numerous appearances across the DC Animated Universe as both a villain and even an anti-hero. The final episode of The New Batman Adventures would even show Harley Quinn's origin story.
This love for Harley resulted in the character not only being introduced into canon comics but her own solo comics. She is a leading member of the Suicide Squad has become the star of her own three blockbuster movies. All of her success traces back to Batman: The Animated Series.
5 The Justice Lords

This precursor to the Injustice games showcases an alternate reality where thanks to the death of The Flash, the Justice League lose their morals and change from heroes to dictators. Instead of the Justice League, they are the Justice Lords and they seek to turn the Justice League of the main Earth into dictators like themselves, even if by force.
Their leader Superman is one of their worst and it takes the combined forces of the entire Justice League to defeat him. Justice Lord Batman was the only one to see that their tactics were wrong and made a truce with his Justice League counterpart. These villains are a perfect example as to why The Flash is an important member of the team: he may be a jokester but he brings heart to the League.
4 Mongul

Played by Eric Roberts, Mongul is the evil ruler of War World, an intergalactic gladiator arena where the strongest creatures of the universe are captured to fight for their planet. There may be a lack of tragedy to motivate the character but Mongul shows a complete lack of empathy and only cares about his power over the people that watch War World.
His rivalry with Superman is iconic, even managing to trap Superman in a seemingly perfect reality where Superman gets whatever he wants: his homeworld, his family, a wife, a child. However, it was too perfect to be real so Superman broke free and in heartbreak, nearly kills Mongul. Mongul is just a twisted egomaniac and stands out with each appearance.
3 Lex Luthor

When it comes to Lex Luthor performances, Clancy Brown stands out as one of the best due to his calm and gravitas way of speaking. Rarely does Lex ever lose his cool, keeping a collected demeanor even in defeat but when he does snap, Clancy Brown delivers a scary voice for the character. The DCAU recognizes the iconic rivalry between Lex Luthor and Superman, so they go all out with it.
Lex goes through many phases from secretly villainous businessman to full-blown supervillain or even helping save the world. As much as Lex is egotistical and has a superiority complex, he also does not want to see Earth destroyed. There are more layers to him than one might expect which makes him an interesting villain.
2 The Joker

For thirty years, Mark Hamill's performance as The Joker has become synonymous with the character much like Kevin Conroy as Batman. Typically, when a fan reads a comic, they imagine those two voicing Batman and the Joker, and for good reason. Mark Hamill brings so much energy and genuine humor to the character while still embracing the darker, sinister side of the Clown Prince Of Crime.
From wacky antics in Gotham to disturbing torturing of Tim Drake to turn him into a Joker Junior to abusing Harley Quinn to back to fun antics with the Injustice League. Mark Hamill's Joker covers all tones and spectrums which is why he has voiced the character in so many projects including the Batman: Arkham games.
1 Darkseid

Much like in the comics, Darkseid is a major threat of the DC Animated Universe. He began as the overarching antagonist of Superman: The Animated Series with his presence being built up over multiple seasons. He sends villains and other threats to Earth to destroy Superman and prepare for his invasion.
Darkseid is played by Michael Ironside and he has become a definitive voice for the character. Darkseid is cold, brutal, and heartless who attempts to control Superman in Superman: The Animated Series and make several invasion attempts across the DCAU. From beginning to end, Darkseid always remains a terrifying force that every Justice League member fears.
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