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Supernatural: 10 Unpopular Opinions About Sam Winchester (According To Reddit)

Brothers Sam and Dean Winchester have compelled Supernatural fans to root for them for 15 seasons. But while fans around the world have been on this crazy ride with the Winchesters all these years, not everyone has great things to say about them.

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The younger Winchester is widely considered to be intellectually inclined and the brains behind the brother duo. Sam is smart, patient with books, and has given up a potentially outstanding life and career for the so-called "family business." Yet, here are the Redditors who aren't too impressed by his antics.

Reddit user betrbleave comments that Sam is far too whiny and entitled. He always ends up messing up and the fan goes as far as to wish that the writers had replaced Sam completely.

For the first few seasons, Sam Winchester's arc had taken him down a very convoluted path. But while his choices at this point were no doubt questionable, this was simply depicting the character's struggle, and his choices indicated the way he was blundering through it. Moreover, Sam transformed slowly through the years on Supernatural and became more mature as time went by.

At the end of season 7, Dean had been sucked into Purgatory along with the Leviathan supremo, Dick Roman. But he returned only to find that Sam had moved on, and hadn't tried to find out what could have happened to him. This now-deleted Redditor states that Sam should have looked for Dean and not gone off with a woman, Amelia.

However, for the majority of fans, Sam's decision, albeit out of character, had made sense given the broader picture. After all, Dean had always wanted Sam to have a so-called normal life, away from the horrors of hunting. And one of the things that prevented the brothers from ever moving on was holding on to each other, making deals with demons, and never letting go. In that light, the fact that Sam had tried to do the healthy thing, was actually a step towards the right thing.

Sam isn't the top choice for Poppycorn144 who hates the fact that Sam doesn't seem to care for Dean enough. The user points out how Sam chose Ruby over Dean despite the latter repeatedly warning him against her. Most of Sam's best memories also seemed to exclude his own family which was particularly ungrateful of him.

Once again, this would appear to be a rather unpopular opinion. While there were moments when Supernatural fans wondered if Dean and Sam's relationship made any sense, yet the one thing any fan can vouch for is that the brothers loved each other deeply. In fact, their love for one another was one of the basic premises of the show, and Sam didn't care for his brother any less than Dean loved his "Sammy." Moreover, it can even be argued that the way they did their best not to hurt each other and made deals to bring each other back from the dead, bordered on being dangerously codependent and unhealthy.

Another fan, Thranduilien, on Reddit notes that Sam wasn't a great hunter, and for the most part got caught up in something from which he needed to be rescued. He was good at researching tons of material on the supernatural but when it came to fighting creatures, Dean surpassed him.

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This is yet another perspective that goes against the trend since Sam and Dean both are considered expert hunters and the best at what they do. Of course, in the earlier seasons, they were still learning the craft and often needed someone like Bobby Singer to bail them out of difficult situations. But eventually, Sam, like Dean, became a top-notch hunter and even went on to lead a large gang of hunters whom the brothers, along with Castiel and Jack, had saved from the Apocalypse world, who trusted and respected him for his leadership.

Yet another not-so-popular opinion suggests that the writing for the character had made Sam almost unlikable and even two-dimensional. He seems to be unreasonable and ignorant for the most part, and this user whose account has later been deleted has little faith in Sam.

As it happens, most fans would concur that Sam is probably the brighter of the brothers. In fact, he was by far one of the smartest and most intelligent of the Supernatural fans when it came to sheer knowledge and very few people would consider him ignorant. Overall, while it can be argued that the writing for the later seasons was in general not up to the mark, Sam Winchester's character alone didn't necessarily suffer.

A similar opinion by DxGypsy goes that Dean had sacrificed himself and his chance at happiness for Sam over and over again and got very little in return. The fan is frustrated enough to suggest that Dean should simply ditch his brother and go hunting with Castiel.

Once again, this view goes against the grain since Sam is integral not only to the story but to Dean as well. The bond between the brothers and the familial relationships are central to the show, perhaps even more than all the fantastical stuff going on. This is a show where two brothers hunt together but their relationship is layered with complexity just like any relationship between siblings. Thus, despite the love that fans have for Castiel, it is difficult to imagine Dean without Sam.

One very unusual opinion on Reddit is put forward by HouseHightower about shipping the witch Rowena McLeod with Sam Winchester. The fan feels that the two share a chemistry that would make them interesting screen partners even if they didn't end up lovers.

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Now, over the years, Sam and Dean's paths have crossed many an impressive women but unfortunately, given the kind of lives the brothers lead, no relationship had ever come to fruition. Yet, while Sam has been shipped with the likes of Jessica, his first love, and Madison, the first woman he really liked after Jessica, very few fans would have imagined him with Rowena, lovers or otherwise.

Here is an unpopular but interesting opinion given by Redditor redditutgers wherein the fan suggests that Dean and Benny make a better hunter pair than Dean and Sam.

Fans will recall the vampire Benny as one of the good monsters who befriended Dean Winchester during his time in Purgatory. Benny fought as brothers in arms with Dean and was any day one of the low key heroes in Supernatural. However, while fans loved Benny and his relationship with Dean, it would perhaps be going too far to wish that Benny replaced Sam as a whole. After all, there would be no Supernatural without Sam Winchester and Dean would never let anyone else take Sammy's place.

Redditor throwawaynashville11 eagerly states that the woman who would have been the right one for Sam never really came on screen. In a very unpopular opinion, the fan maintains that Eileen's chemistry with Sam never worked and appeared cringeworthy.

Given how Eileen Leahy has popularly been shipped with Sam ever since the show hinted at a possible relationship blooming between them, this user's view is thoroughly against the grain. However, for many years, Sam had not been with any woman with whom he developed any kind of intimacy. In fact, after Amelia, whom he had met while Dean had been in Purgatory, he hadn't really been with anyone at all, until Eileen was resurrected in season 15. And fans loved the connection these two made, and hoped that they would end up together.

Finally, Reddit user zombicat states that Sam destroyed Dean every time by playing out his worst fears. It is true that Dean Winchester had been through a tremendous amount of pain, living in fear most of the time. And most of his fears centered around Sam, for whom he felt entirely responsible.

However, while Sam and Dean were both stubborn and each was the other's weakness, it would perhaps be too harsh to state that Sam destroyed Dean. As far as popular perception goes, the brothers cared for each other, and although Dean felt things more acutely, as Castiel observed so astutely in season 15, Sam didn't love his brother, or that he betrayed Dean.

NEXT: 10 Questions About Sam Winchester On Supernatural, Answered

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Supernatural: 10 Unpopular Opinions About Sam Winchester (According To Reddit) Supernatural: 10 Unpopular Opinions About Sam Winchester (According To Reddit) Reviewed by Riyad on October 19, 2021 Rating: 5

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