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Why Being In A Big Brother Showmance Can Be A Smart Strategy

Season 23 of Big Brother is nearly a week into its run, and we're here to discuss the advantages of BB showmances. The game is already in full swing and the chaotic first week of gameplay has already seen players form alliances and conspire against their fellow houseguests. Some players are already feeling a sense of paranoia during the game, including Head of Household Brandon “Frenchie” French, who has placed a target on himself due to his erratic gameplay. He's alienated his alliance members. So far, it’s been par for the course for the first week of a Big Brother season, with one major exception. Unlike most prior seasons, there haven’t been any burgeoning showmances in the Big Brother house. At least, not yet.

Showmances are a staple of Big Brother, going all the way back to when the term was coined by Big Brother legend Dr. Will Kirby in season 2. Several showmances have withstood the rigors of the game and life afterward. Couples like Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly, who met on season 12, and Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf from season 19, have started families after finding love in the Big Brother house, and those are only a couple of the long-term romances that have blossomed from the show.

Related: Big Brother 23: Frenchie's Sister Says She's Not Happy About His Gameplay

Though showmances put scrutiny on the individuals involved while they are in the game, they are not necessarily poor strategy. Historically, showmances have actually led to success when it comes to the game of Big Brother, as players involved in romantic relationships develop trust with one another that other houseguests can’t match, and also consolidate power by bridging their individual influence and connections with other players. These factors can lead a duo to go far and exercise a great deal of strategic control in the house. Also, being in a showmance can increase a player's odds of experiencing a favorable outcome when it comes to competitions. If a player's showmance partner wins a crucial Power of Veto or Head of Household competition, both players are safe from eviction, barring any unexpected game twists.

It remains to be seen if any showmances bloom in the Big Brother 23 house. So far, it seems that the players are still getting a feel for the game and each other, even if the strategy is already hectic. There is certainly no shortage of eligible singles in the cast this season. However, whether or not friendships and alliances turn into something more depends on how the houseguests’ personalities and game plans mesh. Being in a showmance is a risky proposition even if it can be strategically beneficial, so most players are probably considering the risks and rewards before jumping in.

It would certainly be interesting if Big Brother 23 didn’t see the formation of any showmances. It would be a rare occurrence for a show that is so well-known for the love connections it has sparked throughout the years. In fact, fans love to follow the cast members on Instagram after their seasons, including the couples. If there are no showmances this season, it may be a missed opportunity for players to access the power and influence that being in a showmance brings. The Big Brother house is a stressful environment, and going it alone might be detrimental to a player’s game if they have the chance to pair up with someone and choose not to.

Next: Big Brother: Elena Davies Reveals How Much the Houseguests Get Paid

Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8pm ET/PT on CBS.

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Why Being In A Big Brother Showmance Can Be A Smart Strategy Why Being In A Big Brother Showmance Can Be A Smart Strategy Reviewed by Riyad on July 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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